
Download required Parking Operator Supplemental Application (PDF).

Download required Schedule of Parking Locations (Excel).

Download Driver List template (Excel).

Download Individual History of Parking Industry Experience (PDF) for new parking operators.*


Submission requirements

AGENTS AND BROKERS: Please address your submission to

  • ACORD 125, 2013 or later edition, fully completed (including the bankruptcy question)
  • ACORD 126 (CGL), fully completed
  • ACORD 131 (Umbrella/Excess), fully completed, if an Excess Liability quote is desired

Get the latest ACORD forms here.

  • ArmorPark Parking Operator Supplemental Application (download above), fully completed and returned as the form-field original (not converted, scanned, handwritten, or signed)
  • ArmorPark Schedule of Parking Locations (template available above), fully completed and returned as the Excel original
  • Five years’ currently valued CGL and GKLL carrier loss runs (must be valued within 60 days of new policy’s effective date), along with TPA loss runs for any policies that had self-insured retentions
  • List of employees who drive customers’ vehicles, showing only names, birth dates, license numbers, and license states (template available above)
  • Copy of applicant’s current hiring, training, and safety procedures for parking operations
  • Evidence that the applicant has been in business continuously for a minimum of two full years (evidence such as current loss runs showing continuous coverage for two or more years)*

*If the applicant has been in business for less than two years or is a start-up, provide a detailed narrative of each individual principal’s experience in the parking industry (form available above). The principal’s experience will determine whether we can consider a new parking operator.